
古い写真を送ってくれたDr. David Wells 君からメールの返信が届き、5年前に撮ったという彼の家族の写真が貼付してありました。ノースカロライナ州立大学のToxicology Program でPh.Dを取得後、いろいろな医薬業界(Wyeth、Sanofi-Aventis、NPS、Concert、Alnylam and Eagle)で働いたようです。何故そんなに各社を移動したのか、あるいはこれぐらい転勤するのはアメリカでは普通のことなのか、本人に訊いてみようと思います。NPS Pharmaceuticals Inc (USA) という会社に勤務時代にSensiparという薬(一般名cinacalcet hydrochloride シナカルセト塩酸塩、日本での協和キリンの商品名はレグパラ)を日本でキリン/Amgen でマーケティングするために何回か日本を訪問したとのこと。ネットで調べてみると、
secondary hyperparathyroidism 続発性上皮小体機能亢進症(代謝障害の結果生じる高カルシウム尿症など)やparathyroid carcinoma 副甲状腺癌などの治療薬のようです。
彼自身は2011年にterminal metastatic bladder cancer 転移性膀胱癌の末期で余命3-6ケ月と診断されたようですが、抗癌剤治療が予想外に効いて完治したとのこと。従って仕事は辞めているけど、奥さんはBoston Collegeの教授、長男はDarmouth Collegeを卒業して中国に2年間行った後、現在はサンフランシスコにある技術系企業の幹部、次男は結婚してPittsburghに住んでいて作家、娘は高校2年生で大使(外交官)志望とのことですので、1982~1983年にノースカロライナ州立大学で私が客員教授として指導した大学院生のその後の様子が大体わかりました。
David 君とは1983年以来の37年振りぐらいの交流ですから、時間をみて私の方も家族の写真を貼付してその後の経過を返信してあげようと思っています。

Hi Naoki,
I am thrilled to hear from you. I did not imagine that this connection would occur as a result of my sending the photo. 
When I graduated I joined the pharmaceutical industry (Wyeth, Sanofi-Aventis, NPS, Concert, Alnylam and Eagle). Interestingly, while working for NPS I traveled several times to Japan because I was a key player in the development of Sensipar which was marketed by Kirin and Amgen. 
In 2011, I was diagnosed with terminal metastatic bladder cancer. Although they thought I had only 3-6 months to live, I actually responded to chemotherapy in an unexpected way and fully recovered. Ian now retired as a result. 
I don’t keep up with many of the dept members but I know some details. 
Norb Kaminski has been a very successful full professor at Michigan State Ukiversity in immuno-toxicology. 
Jon Cook has had a very successful career at Pfizer and is nearing retirement. 
Wendy Chern (not pictured) worked for me a few years at Sanofi and then moved on to several high level positions at other Pharma Co.s.  
Barbara Smyser worked for a DuPont but I have lost track of her. 
David McGuinn worked for the Govt for many years and is now consulting. 
Greg Beumel also worked In Govt but I lost track of him. 
Paul Lin went into industry work but I lost track of him almost immediately. 
I met up with Kao several years after graduation and he was working in the pesticide industry but I have lost track of him since. 
It might also be of interest to you that I used some of your purified fly GST to produce a metabolite of the pesticide I worked on for my PhD thesis. It allowed me to produce a microgram (or so) of purified metabolite so I could get a FAB-MS identification. 15 yrs later this would be a routine analysis by LC-MS-MS,but at the time it was the first MS identification of the glutathione metabolite. 
Dr. Hodgson was a character and outlasted all of that core faculty. Dr. Guthrie was a bit of an odd duck and I wouldn’t spend too much time worrying about anything he said. I miss Dr. Dauterman - he died too young. I noticed that his wife died only 5 yrs ago - she really outlived him by a lot. 
I am currently living outside of Boston. I have 3 children. My oldest is a graduate of Dartmouth College and spent 2 years teaching in China. He is now an executive with a tech firm in San Francisco. My other son is married and living in Pittsburgh. He is a writer. My daughter is a junior in high school and hopes to be an ambassador. My wife is a professor at Boston College. 
Here are 2 pictureS from about 5 years ago, the first of me with my kids and the second of my wife and the kids plus my son’s fiancé.



