
COVIT-19(新型コロナウイルス)問題で経済的に困難に陥って学業を続けられなくなる学生たちを救済するために立ち上げたStudent Emergency Fund(学生緊急支援基金)に、少額ですが海外からいち早く(もしかしたら私が一番早かったかも)送金をした私に、学生へのメッセージや私自身について寄稿してほしいという依頼です。NCSU(North Carolina State University)にはTechnicianという教職員・学生に無料配布されている学内新聞がありますので、それに掲載して皆に紹介する予定のようです。できたら写真やビデオ(動画)も付けてとありますので、今から適当な写真を見つけて何か書いてみようと思っています。

At NC State, we support our Wolfpack no matter what. Over the past month, we have seen unprecedented support from you and other alumni and friends to the Student Emergency Fund. Your support has provided critical resources to students disproportionately affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
We’d like to thank all of the supporters of the Student Emergency Fund, and there’s no better way than to share what makes us one Wolfpack.

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Your support impacts real students. Hear their stories.


Your support impacts real students. Hear their stories.

Good Afternoon Naoki,
I hope this email finds you and your family well! 
I just wanted to follow up on my last email with a small request. We want to thank all our supporters of the Student Emergency Fund in a fun way! We would love to feature you and your family in an upcoming video.
Again, thank you for your support and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!
Go Pack!
Jacqueline E. Fennell ’06
Development Specialist
Division of Academic & Student Affairs
Park Shops 211L
P: 919-515-5317
****NC State University is adjusting operations to allow for social distancing. It is our commitment to continue our work with minimal disruption during this unprecedented
time. As this situation evolves, we will likely need to adapt. For the latest updates on coronavirus response on campus, please visit ncsu.edu/coronavirus