
ジョージア州アトランタに住んでいる友人のDr. Buck Grissom からのメールに、新型コロナウイルスに関するコメントに加えて、トランプ大統領を風刺した漫画が添付してありました。アメリカは狂信的なトランプ支持者と本能的なトランプ嫌悪者に2分されていますので、これらは明らかにトランプ嫌悪者があちこちに載せた漫画を集めたもののようです。トランプ大統領の弱点を突いていますので、思わずニヤリと笑ってしまいました。
Hope you are well.
There doesn’t seem to be a coordinated national response to Covid-19. We don’t go out unless we need something from the grocery store or the pharmacy. 
Interesting cartoons.
I hope you are well too.  My family including my wife, son in Tokyo, daughter in California and her family, and my 89 years old sister in Tokyo are fortunately all OK.
My symathy is for people both in the US and Japan suffering for survival due to loss of business, loss of job, loss of income, etc.
The cartoons are hilarious that I am sure would make Trump supporters mad.  I had better place myself out of the argument for I am a foreigner, not a US citizen, although I have my view on Trump.
I do know that there are both enthusiastic, almost fanatic just like Hittler suporters, Trump  supporters and instinctive Trump haters among US citizens including the over-the-hill gang (my Karate students who used to be 20s and now 70s).  The situation reminds me of the time when Nixon and McGovern  were campaigning for presidency.


