

サウスカロライナ州のギャフニィという田舎町で牧場をやっている昔からの研究者仲間でフィッシングの仲間でもあったDr. Larry Tateの奥さんのリンダさんから先週届いたメールに返信をするのが遅れていたら、次のメールが届いてしまいました。ちょうど今日ZOOM会議の練習もして少し精神的な余裕もできましたので、すぐ以下の返信を打っておきました。
Hi Naoki. I sent you an email on the 6th and not sure if you got it. I also tried to send pictures but failed. Hope you and 〇〇〇 are okay. Things are tense due to political climate in our country. It is difficult to have a positive outlook but we are healthy and that is what is important.
Have a great day,
Linda Merchant Tate
Sorry I failed to respond to your earlier email that I did receive.  I was sort of in chaos strugling with the annual general meeting of pesticide division (I am serving as the current president) of Research Institute of Tokyo University of Agriculture, which is normally held in May.  Because of Covit-19 problem, the university campus is locked out and we have to avoid three conditions to minimize possible infection by the virus, namely close contact in a closed space with dense population.  Finally we decided to send out to the division members information such as activitiy report and plan, financial report and plan, result of audit, etc., and to have either web meeting or ZOOM meeting.  I have never experienced ZOOM meeting before, so this afternoon for the first time we practiced among a few members that went all right.  Now I am off stress.
As for my knee problem, I do not believe the orthopedic surgeon, who took X-ray photos and diagnosed that I had an early stage of OA (osteoarthritis of the knee), knows how to fix the pain that is troubling me.  Because it first started on my left knee and later it moved to right knee, that means the pain is caused by pinching a nerve somewhere under the knee, not by un-even gap at the knee joints.  I am trying to strengthen the knee joints by exercise- keep walking and slowly jogging.  As Laurie said I believe my knees can endure another 10,000 miles if I can strengthen them.
I was dissapointed that the photos you said you were sending me did not come.  What photos you were trying to send, vegetable garden you started for this year, or fish Jason caught?
Anyway, I miss your place and the time I spent there with you people. 
〇〇〇 and I are doing all right so far.  The sport gym she used to go for swimming twice a week is going to be locked out at least untill the end of this month.  By the way, I heard the news that Gold's Gym in the US went out of business.  I feel so sorry for so many people lost their jobs and income due to the covit-19 not only in the US but also in Japan as well as world wide. 
〇〇〇 stays home except for grocery shopping.  I go out for walking/jogging almost everyday to a nearby river bank and parks which are not crowded at all.
Stay safe, for the US has the highest number of infection and the highest number of death in the world. 
from Japan