ただ、アメリカ全土(世界中でも)で街頭に出て抗議の意志表示をしている人達に「Go Home」(家に帰れ)と提案して現在の混乱に終止符を打つことができたとしても、アメリカ(世界中でも)には今でも潜在的意識として人種差別/民族差別/宗教差別が存在しますし、経済的格差、社会的隔離など、長年蓄積してきたものが新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響で一気に悪化したことによる不安、不満の爆発をどう解決するかという問題は残ります。
This post is likely to get a large number of negative comments because it is “politically incorrect.” But it is about time somebody said it and it might as well be me.
This post is likely to get a large number of negative comments because it is “politically incorrect.” But it is about time somebody said it and it might as well be me.
ALL protesters, peaceful or otherwise, need to pack it up and go home.
Depending on where you live this thing has been going on for 3-10 days.
Enough is enough already. Time to go home. That includes “Peaceful Protesters.”
Everybody in Minneapolis that can be arrested has been arrested. Various
funeral services and memorials for George Floyd were held today. Time to go
A couple of days ago I read a post on Facebook from a housewife. She had
just spent 2 hours at a “peaceful” rally, and now she was back home fixing to
start dinner for her husband and kids. She seemed very pleased with herself for
having fulfilled her civic duty. After all, she did not loot or burn any
buildings. She did not throw any objects at police officers. She harmed no one.
It probably did not occur to her suburban housewife mind that the police
officer she casually walked by at her rally had probably already been standing
in line for two hours. Our suburban housewife probably did not stand in the
policeman’s face and call him a MFer. She is much too sophisticated for such a
vulgar display. But somebody in her party probably did. After her “peaceful”
rally, that same police officer got re-deployed to a less than peaceful location.
After working a 12-16 hour tour, the police officer gets home sometime after
midnight. He does not get to eat dinner with his wife and kids because they are
already asleep. He just has time to take a shower, try to wind down, and get a
few hours sleep before he has to get up and do it all over again. And he has
been doing that for 8 days in a row.
What were you hoping to accomplish by your protest? If you had been paying
attention you would have realized that you WON before the contest even started.
I’m an ex-cop. What’s more, I was a Black Belt karate champion before I joined
the police department. After I graduated from the police academy I was placed
in charge of that academy’s unarmed combat training. I never trained police
officers to use choke holds like that used in the Floyd case. So I knew before
most of you that something was wrong. And I’m not the only one. You see plenty
of current police officers showing support for the peaceful protesters.
Some say they continue to protest because they think the charges against
Chauvin should be elevated from 2nd to 1st degree murder. That might make a
real difference in NC where I was engaged in law enforcement. NC has the Death
Penalty, so raising a charge to 1st degree murder in NC can be a major game changer.
MN does not have a Death Penalty, so elevating a murder charge there is not as
big a game changer.
So pretty much everybody, including cops, agreed from the outset that
George Floyd’s death was a wrongful death. But now a bunch of brain donners are
working overtime to turn victory into defeat. You might think that your
“peaceful” protest does not cause harm to anyone, but you are wrong.
Time to Go Home.