
North Carolina州のRaleigh市に隣接したGarner市に住んでいるFrank Peoples 君は1969年以来の空手の弟子/友人ですが、アメリカの新型コロナウイルス問題の影響と白人警官に膝で頸部を押さえつけられて致死した黒人問題による抗議活動の最近の状況について知らせるメールが届きました。彼は保守的な南部の出身の白人ですので、トランプ支持者らしく抗議活動をriot(暴動)と表していました。平和的な抗議活動に便乗して、破壊や略奪行為が起こっている現状は、彼が信じてきたアメリカの姿とあまりにも違うので、苦々しく、また恥ずかしく思っているのでしょう。確かに、テレビのニュースで見せられる、大勢の人間が混乱に乗じて(あるいは混乱を起して)商店を襲ってドロボーをする光景は、途上国ならまだしも、"Make America Great Again"(アメリカを再び偉大な国に)と言っているアメリカ人には耐えられない屈辱な筈です。その後で、Frank 君から国際電話もあり、直接会話もできました。
Hey Naoki,
The coronavirus has been a source of much grief and hardship in the USA as it has been worldwide. Different states are in different stages of opening up now (some business are now open with different restrictions as regards how they can operate as far as capacity and social distancing like restarants and retail chains like Target. Manufacturing facilities, grocery stores, medical like hospitals and drug stores are now much less restricted. It’s the small business owners (we have a nickname for these stores, pop and mom stores) which have been really hurt by the shutdown, but its getting much better from what I have seen. Danny and Jennifer and their families are well. Their individual business/jobs are fine, River and Utah are doing school work at home, and JC is just being a little guy growing up.
I think of you and 〇〇〇 and your family often and hope all is well. I know Japan has had its problems too with the coronavirus and hope Japan is now on the way back to the way it was before the virus. My 2 weeks in Japan with you guys will always be one of my life’s best times.
We are having riots here, I am guessing this has been shown on some world news networks, which has caused much damage in some of our cities. This started when a black man died during a police arrest by a white cop. There was a video of this which showed the cop with his knee on the man’s neck while the man was on his stomach and handcuffed and saying he couldn’t breathe. This was a bad cop and is now under arrest. The protests went from peaceful to violent in many cases, mostly at night when violent people showed up to stir up the protesters and cause violent behavior by some people. This is not America and is sad to see. It only takes a few many times to cause pain for many.
I spoke to Margie and she is doing well. I know she is sending you a email also. I will let her tell you what she has been up too. From talking to her I know Wayne is doing well also.
Last, but not least I am trying to stay healthy by walking, using the dumbells, kindo stick reps, punching and kicking reps.
Take care,

