
Frank Peples 君に返信のメールを打ちました。彼は、白人警察官の過剰な制圧で黒人が死んだ事件で、過激な連中が主に夜間に抗議者を扇動して破壊行為を起している状況に対して、「これはアメリカではない、こんな光景を見るのは悲しい」と書いてきました。アメリカ人としての誇りが傷つけられ、恥ずかしいと思ったのでしょう。私は、無差別の略奪や破壊行為は犯罪なので罰せられなければならないが、このような犯罪者は常々自分たちの不幸な境遇について無意識の中で社会に対して怒りを潜在させているので、このような人たちに手を差し伸べて家族と一緒にまともな生活ができるようにしてあげることが必要で、それがアメリカだと信じています、と伝えました。

Thank you for the email report on the current situation in the US and also for your phone call.
As far as the imapct of COVID-19 on Japanese society is concerned, it is similar to that in the US, although the declaration of emergency situation by the Japanese Government was lifted and business and travel are slowly re-opening from June 1.  According to the news, the US has the highest casualty by the coronavirus (population contracted 1,811,277 and population died 105,147 as of June 3, 2020) in the world.  While, we are fortunate that population contracted 16,930 and population died 894 as of June 3, 2020 in Japan.
Neverthless, schools are still partially closed and universities are locked down.  Teaching is done on line only.  Even 〇〇〇, who is a professor at Waseda University in Tokyo, can not get into his own university.  It would for sure hurt not only economy tremendously but also slow down progress in science very much. 
The nation-wide demonstration in the US triggered by the death of a black guy is understandable.  However, indiscriminate lootings and destruction taking advantage of the demonstration are acts by criminals who subconsciously have anger against the society because of their misfortunate condition.  They, of course,  should be panalized for the crimes they committed.  However, I believe, the society should offer the misfortunate people a helping hand so that they can make a decent living with their family.  That is America, I believe.
Many Japanese workers who had to stay home and do what we call "telework" are getting fat for lack of exercise.  We call it "corona-fat".  I also can not use Dojo of Chiba University for workout because it is locked down.  So, I normally do basic Karate practice for about 30 minutes at home, go out to do Suburi (swinging the heavy wooden sward) 100 times, and then go to Edo river bank for walking/jogging for a few hours. 
〇〇〇 and I feel that we are fortunate for not so much affected by the cornavirus.  Don, Patricia's husband and my son-in-law, whose work is to air events (sports, music, political, etc) via satellite for Japanese and Mexican TV stations, does not have incoming work because there is no event.  〇〇〇 and I feel happy that we could transfer $10,000 as an emergency fund from my 〇〇〇 account to his bank account, although he told us that he applied for the government help for small business and it was approved.  In addition, Patricia has a steady income being a school teacher in Santa Monica, California.  We do not want our grand-children starve or get hungry. 
I am glad to know that your children and grand-chilodren are all doing OK. 

Stay safe and fit,



