
1969年(又は1970年)以来の空手の弟子/友人のWayne T. Brown 君から久しぶりにメールが届き、孫の写真が貼付してありました。彼が生まれ育った郷里(グリーンズボロ近くの田舎町)の父親=孫たちにとっては曾(ひい)お爺さん=を訪ねた時に撮った写真のようです。孫やひ孫が可愛いのは日本人もアメリカ人も同じで万国共通ということなのでしょう。
私が1969年7月に大学紛争真っ最中で勉強ができなくなった名古屋大学大学院博士課程2年次を休学(その後退学)してアメリカのノースカロライナ州立大学大学院Ph.D課程に留学した時は27才でしたが、私が現地で開設した空手教室(初めはGensei Karate Schoolとして、その後Gensei Dojo of Japanese Martial Arts 日本武道玄制館)に入門してきたWayne 君はノースカロライナ州立大学1年生か2年生でしたから、18才か19才ぐらいだった筈です。当時は肩までかかる長髪でヒッピーのような恰好をしていましたが、非常に熱心に稽古をし、常に前向きの建設的な姿勢を示す信頼のおける人物で、一生涯の友人になりました。
シャーロットという町で3軒のレストランのGeneral Manager(総マネージャー)をしていましたが、コロナウイルス問題でレストランが休業に追い込まれてからは失業状態で心配していました。それが、アメリカ社会の経済活動再開でレストランビジネスも再会して彼もGeneral Manager として復職したようで一安心です。ゆっくり返信をしようと思っています。
Hello and hope that you, 〇〇〇 and family are all well.  I’ve seen on the news that Japan is having some heavy rain problems. And of course COVID problems. My wish is that these have not had too much of a negative impact on you.
My summer has been very busy.  Our restaurants are running at 70% of pre-COVID sales volume, but the days are more difficult. We are having to utilize less staff and so everyone has to work harder. We are pleased that we have been able to bring everyone back to work.
I was able to squeeze in a couple of days with son Josh, wife Rachel and kids. We spent time at my Dad’s. The pictures below were taken on an outing in woods where I grew up. I spent many days as a child playing in the trees, streams and swamps there. So I wanted my grandkids to see where I grew up. We all had a great time. There were scratches, scrapes and a few chiggers and much laughter. These “city” kids enjoyed a country outing.
The timing was especially good for my Dad. He fell and broke his ankle a few weeks before and had been having a difficult period. I lived with him and my sister for three weeks so as to help take care of him. This happened during the two months where our restaurants were closed due to COVID. He was out of his cast in 5 weeks and is much better now.
Later this month I will be taking my other grandson (Wyatt 11 years) to a week long Culinary Camp. He has a real interest and talent with regards to cooking and so this camp is my treat for him. He says that he is not interested in a career in the field, but just likes to cook. He sometimes creates and prepares meals for his family.
I will say “goodbye” for now. Take good care and stay safe!