
アメリカ人の空手の弟子/友人のMargie さんから届いたメールでトランプ大統領と北朝鮮の金正恩主席の最近のやりとりについてどう思うかとあったので、返信のメールに「政治家は不作為の責任を問われるべき」という主旨の以下のようなコメントを書き、彼女を訪問中のノースカロライナ州立大学時代に同僚だったLarry Tate 博士の奥さんのLinda さんにもCCを送りました。

Dear Margie,
We see news on verbal exchange between Trump and Kim that sounds like little kids. They look like feudal lords during midieval days or apes in a jungle showing off their might.  Nobody in Japan is seriousely worried about North Korea launching a missile with nuclea bomb to Japan.  I believe political leaders are liable for not taking appropriate actions.  It is stupid to start a war that results in devastation of land and massive human casualty that no one wants to happen.  Instead, political leaders in this modern days should have guts to  communicate intelligently with each other and find the best solutions to overcome the diffence.  That is how I think after experiencing the agony of WW2 as a child and discovering America in 1969, 477 years after Chistopher Columbus's doscovery of America in 1492, that made me realize that Americans are not as bad as we were told during the WW2.  Actually I found Americans are the same humans as we are and we could make good friends.  I hope both Trump and Kim would come to sense eventually before they do something stupid. 

それを見たLinda さんからもメールが届いたので、さらに追加のコメントを送りました。

I believe the staff surrounding President Trump are intelligent enough to stop him from taking irrational actions.
We do not need John Wayne.  The world is already full of refugees fleeing from war-torn home town and suffering from extreme miseries in many parts of the world just as we experienced after the WW2. 
Why do we not offer them a helping hand rather than creating more of them by politicians with big ego.