

「ミツバチとネオニコチノイド系農薬~問題の解決はどこに向かうか~」と題した中村 純先生の講演は、内容構成も非常によく練られていて、話術の巧みさもあって、参加者はひきこまれました。ミツバチは世界的には減っているのではなく増え続けていて、アメリカでも日本でもネオニコチノイドが導入されてからの減少は見られないということ、ミツバチがいなくなるような現象はネオニコチノイドとは無関係にずっと昔から起こっていたということ、現在ミツバチを苦しめている要因は何かなどについて、説得力のあるお話をされました。


懇親会にも多くの参加者が参加されて、交流を深めていましたが、残念ながらグリーンピース・ジャパンからの3人には参加していただけませんでした。懇親会の乾杯の音頭はいつものように山本 出先生にお願いしましたが、中締めは猪飼(いかい)隆氏(元日産化学社長、元農薬工業会会長)にお願いしました。猪飼氏のコメントに、今回のセミナーには若手の参加者が多く活気があったという評価をいただき、講師が素晴らしく講演内容が素晴らしかったからですが、企画に関わり座長をした私も褒(ほ)められたような気がして嬉しく思いました。

会場である人から、イギリスの新聞THE TIMESに面白い記事が載っているという情報をもらいましたので、ネットで検索したら次のサイトが見つかりました。
他にもこの問題を論じたサイトがありましたが、肝心の2014年12月4日付けの「ザ タイムズ」の記事を以下にコピーしておきます。見出しは Scientists accused of plotting to get pesticides banned (農薬を禁止に追い込む目的で策略を立てて研究をしたとして科学者が非難された)となっていました。4人の科学者が2010年6月14日にスイスに集まり、行政を動かしてネオニコチノイドを規制させるために、著名な研究者に2編の論文を発表させる策略を立てて実行したことが私的ノートで明らかになったというものです。

THE TIMES  04.12.2014

Ben Webster Environment Editor


Scientists accused of plotting to get pesticides banned


Research blaming pesticides for the decline in honeybees has been called into question by a leaked note suggesting that scientists had decided in advance to seek evidence supporting a ban on the chemicals.

 The private note records a discussion in 2010 between four scientists about how to persuade regulators to ban neonicotinoid insecticides.

 The EU imposed a temporary ban last year after the European Food Safety Authority identified risks to bees.  The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs opposed the ban, saying that there was not enough evidence of harm to bees.

Many farmers have blamed the ban for high levels of damage to this winter’s oilseed rape crop from flea beetle.

 The leaked note says that the scientists agreed to select authors to produce four papers and co-ordinate their publication to “obtain the necessary policy change, to have these pesticides banned”.

 A paper by a “carefully selected first author” would set out the impact of the pesticides on insects and birds “as convincingly as possible”.  A second “policy forum” paper would draw on the first to call for a ban.

  The note, which records that the meeting took place in Switzerland on June 14, 2010, says: “If we are successful in getting these two papers published, there will be enormous impact, and a campaign led by WWF etc.  It will be much harder for politicians to ignore a research paper and a policy forum paper in [a major scientific journal].”

 The scientists at the meeting included Maarten Bijleveld van Lexmond, chairman of the Task Force on Systemic Pesticides, and Piet Wilt, chairman of the ecosystems management commission of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, an influential network of scientists and environmental groups.

 The task force, a group of scientists who advise the IUCN, published a report in June stating that neonicotinoids were “causing significant damage to a wide range of beneficial invertebrate species and are a factor in the decline of bees”.

 The task force used the report to call on regulators to “start planning for a global phase-out” of neonicotinoids.  The present two two-year EU ban, which began last December, is due to reviewed next year using evidence from field trials. 

Thousands of farmers who use neonicotinoids are hoping that the trials, overseen by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, will show that the rsks to bees have been overstated.

Nick von Westenholz, chief executive of the Crop Protection Association, which represents Bayer and Syngenta, manufacturers of neonicotinoids, said: “The work of the task force is regularly cited by activists as being strongly independent research, conducted with the utmost scientific rigour.

“From reading this document, it looks to me that this group decided on its conclusions first and then embarked on the research to back them up.  That clearly flies in the face of claims that the IUCN study represents independent and rigorous science.  The claims of the task force now seem increasingly suspect and I hope that policymakers will treat these studies with an appropriate degree of caution”.

Mr Wilt said that the leaked note was accurate but he denied that the scientists had decided the conclusions of the research in advance.  Dr Bijleveld van Lexmond, a founding member of WWF in the Netherlands, said that the task force was independent and unbiased.