

Attached are pictures I took in Hanoi.  Since Roger was drafted and sent to Vietnam and Frank served in Navy, the pictures may be of interest for some of the over-the-hill members.  Please share these pictures with them.  When I visited the Ho Chi Minh museum and the war museum, I followed Amarican tourist group and heard what a young Vietnamese translator was saying.  In addition to young generation of Americans, I saw many Americans who looked like the Vietnam war generation at the museums.  May be they were trying to figure out what the Vietnam war was after all.
This is the last of pictures from Hanoi.
There were two conversations between the American tourist group and the young Vietnamese translator that was of interest to me.
When an American of my age (the Vietnam war generation) asked the translator "Since so many Vietnamese people were killed by bombs dropped from B-52, are Vietnamese people hating Americans now?" , he replied "No, because the war was started by Amarican Government at that time and American people had no choice but to go to the war.  Vietnamese Government at that time decided to fight the war and Vietnamese people had no choice but to fight the war.  So, Vietnamese people have no hard feeling against American people". 
The young translator also said "The war against America lasted only for 20 years (1955-1975).  Before that the war agaist France that colonized Vietnam lasted for 100 years.  Before that the war against China that have constantly tried to invade and conquer Vietnam lasted for more than 1,000 years and it is still continuing.  Considering that, the war against America was only for 20 years and it was short".   
When I heard the last conversation, I felt I could understand why the Vietnamese people were so tough during the Vietnam war.  They have been fighting against Chinese invasion for more than 1,000 years!
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