
「林業と薬剤」の原稿はできましたが、すぐ送らずに一日おいてもう一度見直してから編集担当者に送ることにしました。ちょっと時間をおくと、違った目で見られるので直したいところがでてくるかもしれませんので。タイトルは「松くい虫防除で散布された薬剤の飛散と健康影響(7) -長野県駒ケ根市と千曲市における調査事例-」です。シリーズで執筆してきた7報目です。


カリフォルニア大学サン・ディエゴ校の Dr. Simone Tosi から返信のメールが届きましたので、さらに私からも下記のメールを打ちました。これでこの件に関する私の役目は終わりです。
Dear Naoki,
Thanks so much for your reply.
I contacted your group because I was looking for an info concerning the doses of propiconazole used in the Iwasa et al. 2004 paper, which i didn't find in the paper. I am looking for the propiconazole dose in the interaction of propiconazole and neonicotinoids experiment in the lab (see Tab.2 of the paper "Pretreatment effect of general insecticide synergists,DMI-fungicides, and a plant growth regulator on honey bee toxicity of neonicotinoid insecticides"). Should you be able to find that information it would be very useful.
Thanks a lot for the email and help.
Kind regards,
Dear Simone, 
I  communicated with Takao by email.  He said there is no restriction by his company with regard to submitting the manuscripts for publication, since he has presented the studies at many diferent meetings such as IPPC in Beijing, symposia at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Applied Entomolgy and Zoology, etc.  Unfortunately, Dr. Randy Rose of Department of Toxicology, NCSU, who co-supervised his studies along with Dr. Mike Roe suddenly passed away by trafic accident and it seems that incidence affected him reducing his motivation for publication.   However, after communication with me he now realizes that he should make efforts to publish the studies although he is now at a position in his company that keeps him extremely busy.  Nevertheless, he told me to renew his efforts to publish the studies he did at NCSU.
My suggestion to you is to contact Takao directly and ask for the information you want to obtain from him.  
I am forwarding the copy of this email to Takao.
If there is anythig else I can do for you, please let me know.
Best regards,