
ノースカロライナ州のウィルミントンという海岸の町に住んでいるEugene Sanchez 君は、私の長年の空手の弟子・友人ですが、両親はキューバでカストロ元首相による共産革命が起こった時にアメリカのフロリダ州に亡命してきたスペイン系の元キューバ人です。ユージン君はフロリダ州立大学工学部卒で、ノースカロライナ州の電気会社でエンジニアとして長年勤務しています。ハリケーンなどで電線が切れたりすると、すぐ現場に駆けつけて修理をしてきました。

I wanted to let you know that I presented this technical paper about a week ago in Ft Lauderdale, Florida to engineers as a result of some research we conducted at work using actual in service field equipment. Hopefully, it might be of some help to others engineers.  The meeting was for the Power Engineering Society's working group of the Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers(IEEE). Details below  
Is Fault Location Killing Our Cable Systems?
Power outages caused by faults in underground cable systems can be difficult to locate, however it is always advantageous for a utility to restore power within a short time-frame in order to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction, system performance, and profitability.  Although there are different ways to determine the location of a fault within a length of underground cable, a common methodology used by electric utilities involves the use of a voltage pulse unit known to many in the industry as a ‘thumper.’ As a derivative of a system wide cable reliability program, based on a condition assessment comparable to cable and accessory manufactures’ quality control standards, one of the largest utilities in North America set forth a field experiment to help quantify the damage to cable insulation caused by fault location thumping.  This paper provides insight into the harmful effects of field applied ‘thumping’ and offers recommendations on how utility operations managers can minimize their risk of repeat outages, increase customer satisfaction while maximizing safety, efficiency and reliability.
今日も昼休みに2時間ウォーキングして運動してきました。江戸川の堤防の100mぐらいの坂道の上り下りを3~5往復ぐらい走るつもりでしたが、 1往復だけで息が切れて駄目でした。