
昔からの知人のW氏から、航空宇宙工学が専門の息子さんがアメリカのUniversity of Notre Dame(ノートルダム大学)の航空宇宙工学学科に行って研究協力をする予定になっていたのが、学科長から急遽保留にする旨の連絡があったらしく、どうなっているのかという問い合わせがありました。ノースカロライナ州立大学のよく知っている教授に情報提供を依頼するメールを打ったら、早速返事が届きました。トランプ大統領になって、連邦政府の予算での新規の雇用と環境保護庁(EPA)が提供する研究費と研究契約は保留(凍結)になったとのことです。ニュースでもあちこちで抗議の動きが報道されていますが、アメリカ国民はトランプ氏の選挙戦中の甘言に乗せられてとんでもない大統領を選んでしまったものです。

The new administration has frozen federal hiring and future EPA grants and contracts.  For some reason, my USDA funding has also been frozen but this occurred before Trump was elected and I can not determine why the funding is suspended.  I am being told the funds will be available eventually, but not clear when.  There is no indication of  travel restrictions from Japan or hiring anyone from other countries at NCSU.   Hope this helps and good to hear from you.  Not sure if you knew Dick Axtell, our medical entomologist; he died last week    

Dear Mike, 
A good friend of mine, Mr. W., has a son who obtained PhD in aerospace enginering from the University of Tokyo and is currently working as assistant professor there.  He was offered either a post-doc or visiting professor position from the Departmentl of Aerospace Engineering of University of Notre Dame.  Probably as a result of recent order of President Trump, Head of the Department is suspending (freezing) the offer.  They want to know what the situation in the US is.  Did all universities in the US receive any kind of restriction or order from the federal government not to have foreign scientists including Japanese until they establish a new policy?I would appreciate it if you can give me some information on this issue so that I can tell Mr. W. what they should do.
Best regards,


